Handling Host and Listener Collisions

This document explains how the Ingress Controller handles host and listener collisions among resources.

This document explains how the Ingress Controller handles host and listener collisions among resources.

Winner Selection Algorithm

If multiple resources contend for the same host/listener, the Ingress Controller will pick the winner based on the creationTimestamp of the resources: the oldest resource will win. In case there are more than one oldest resource (their creationTimestamp is the same), the Ingress Controller will choose the resource with the lexicographically smallest uid.

Note: the creationTimestamp and uid fields are part of the resource ObjectMeta.

Host Collisions

A host collision occurs when multiple Ingress, VirtualServer, and TransportServer (configured for TLS Passthrough) resources configure the same host. The Ingress Controller supports two options for handling host collisions:

  • Choosing the winner so that only one resource handles the host.
  • Merging configuration of the conflicting resources.

Choosing the Winner

Consider the following two resources:

  • cafe-ingress Ingress:

    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
      name: cafe-ingress
      ingressClassName: nginx
      - host: cafe.example.com
        . . .
  • cafe-virtual-server VirtualServer:

    apiVersion: k8s.nginx.org/v1
    kind: VirtualServer
      name: cafe-virtual-server
      host: cafe.example.com
      . . .

If a user creates both resources in the cluster, a host collision will occur. As a result, the Ingress Controller will pick the winner using the winner selection algorithm.

In our example, if cafe-virtual-server was created first, it will win the host cafe.example.com and the Ingress Controller will reject cafe-ingress. This will be reflected in the events and in the resource’s status field:

kubectl describe vs cafe-virtual-server

. . .
  . . .
  Message:  Configuration for default/cafe-virtual-server was added or updated
  Reason:   AddedOrUpdated
  State:    Valid
  Type    Reason          Age   From                      Message
  ----    ------          ----  ----                      -------
  Normal  AddedOrUpdated  9s    nginx-ingress-controller  Configuration for default/cafe-virtual-server was added or updated

$ kubectl describe ingress cafe-ingress
. . .
  Type     Reason    Age   From                      Message
  ----     ------    ----  ----                      -------
  Warning  Rejected  66s   nginx-ingress-controller  All hosts are taken by other resources

Note: You can configure multiple hosts for Ingress resources. As a result, it’s possible that an Ingress resource can be the winner for some of its hosts and a loser for the others. For example, if cafe-ingress had an additional rule host rule – pub.example.com – the Ingress Controller would not reject the Ingress. Rather, it would allow cafe-ingress to handle pub.example.com.

Similarly, if cafe-ingress was created first, it will win cafe.example.com and the Ingress Controller will reject cafe-virtual-server.

Merging Configuration for the Same Host

It is possible to merge configuration for multiple Ingress resources for the same host. One common use case for this approach is distributing resources across multiple namespaces. See the Cross-namespace Configuration doc for more information.

It is not possible to merge the configurations for multiple VirtualServer resources for the same host. However, you can split the VirtualServers into multiple VirtualServerRoute resources, which a single VirtualServer can then reference. See the corresponding example on GitHub.

It is not possible to merge configuration for multiple TransportServer resources.

Listener Collisions

Listener collisions occur when multiple TransportServer resources (configured for TCP/UDP load balancing) configure the same listener. The Ingress Controller will choose the winner, which will own the listener.

Choosing the Winner

Consider the following two resources:

  • tcp-1 TransportServer:

    apiVersion: k8s.nginx.org/v1
    kind: TransportServer
      name: tcp-1
        name: dns-tcp
        protocol: TCP
        . . .
  • tcp-2 TransportServer:

    apiVersion: k8s.nginx.org/v1
    kind: TransportServer
      name: tcp-2
        name: dns-tcp
        protocol: TCP
        . . .

If a user creates both resources in the cluster, a listener collision will occur. As a result, the Ingress Controller will pick the winner using the winner selection algorithm.

In our example, if tcp-1 was created first, it will win the listener dns-tcp and the Ingress Controller will reject tcp-2. This will be reflected in the events and in the resource’s status field:

kubectl describe ts tcp-2

. . .
  Type     Reason    Age   From                      Message
  ----     ------    ----  ----                      -------
  Warning  Rejected  10s   nginx-ingress-controller  Listener dns-tcp is taken by another resource

Similarly, if tcp-2 was created first, it will win dns-tcp and the Ingress Controller will reject tcp-1.