Important: NGINX Plus R33 requires NGINX Instance Manager 2.18 or later
To ensure uninterrupted traffic processing, upgrade to NGINX Instance Manager 2.18 or later if your NGINX data plane instances are running NGINX Plus R33. This upgrade is necessary to support usage reporting.
NGINX Plus R33 instances must send usage data to the F5 licensing endpoint or NGINX Instance Manager. If they don’t, they will stop processing traffic.
For more information about usage reporting and enforcement, see About solution licenses.
Report usage to F5 in a disconnected environment
In a disconnected environment without internet access, NGINX Plus sends usage data to NGINX Instance Manager. You’ll need to download the usage report from NGINX Instance Manager and submit it to F5 from a location with internet access. After F5 verifies the report, you can download the acknowledgement, which you must upload back to NGINX Instance Manager.
Before you begin
Before submitting usage data to F5, first configure NGINX Plus to report telemetry data to NGINX Instance Manager.
Configure NGINX Plus to report usage to NGINX Instance Manager
To configure NGINX Plus (R33 and later) to report usage data to NGINX Instance Manger:
Open port
for NGINX Instance Manager. -
On each NGINX Plus instance, update the
directive in themgmt
block of the NGINX configuration (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
) to point to your NGINX Instance Manager host:mgmt { usage_report endpoint=<NGINX-INSTANCE-MANAGER-FQDN>; }
Extra steps for self-signed certificates
If you use self-signed certificates in your NGINX Instance Manager environment, follow the steps in Configure SSL verification for usage reporting with self-signed certificates. -
Reload NGINX:
nginx -s reload
Submit usage report to F5
Using the REST API
You can use tools likecurl
or Postman to interact with the NGINX Instance Manager REST API. The API URL ishttps://<NIM-FQDN>/api/[nim|platform]/<API_VERSION>
, and each request requires authentication. For more details on authentication options, see the API Overview.
Submit usage report with a bash script
To submit a usage report in a disconnected environment, use the provided
script. Run this script on a system that can access NGINX Instance Manager and connect to
on port 443
. Replace each placeholder with your specific values.
Run the following command to allow the script to run:
chmod +x <path-to-script>/
Run the script. Replace each placeholder with your specific values:
./ \ -j <license-filename>.jwt \ -i <NIM-IP-address> \ -u admin \ -p <password> \ -o \ -s telemetry
This command downloads the usage report (
), submits the report to F5 for acknowledgment, and uploads the acknowledgment back to NGINX Instance Manager.
View the full contents of the script
# Function to encode the username and password to base64
encode_base64() {
echo -n "$1:$2" | base64
# Print help text and exit.
if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 -j <path-to-JWT> -i <NIM-IP> -u <username> -p <password> -o <output zip file> -s <step>"
echo "This script allows you to license NGINX Instance Manager and submit usage reports to F5 in a disconnected environment."
echo "It needs to be run on a system that can reach NGINX Instance Manager and the following endpoint on port 443:"
echo "If NGINX Instance Manager is connected to the internet (Connected Mode), please use the UI."
echo "This script is only necessary if NGINX Instance Manager is set to Disconnected Mode."
echo "For Licensing in Disconnected Mode:"
echo "$0 -j my-jwt.jwt -i <NIM-IP> -u admin -p <password> -o -s initial"
echo "For Usage Reporting in Disconnected Mode:"
echo "$0 -j my-jwt.jwt -i <NIM-IP> -u admin -p <password> -o -s telemetry"
echo "Note: Since NGINX Instance Manager comes with self-signed certificates by default, the --insecure flag is set in this script to run specific Curl commands."
echo "You can alter this script if you wish to change from self-signed to verified certificates in Instance Manager."
exit 1
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then
echo -e "\nPlease install jq ( as it is required to run the script\n"
exit 1
# Parse command-line arguments
while getopts ":j:i:u:p:o:s:" opt; do
case $opt in
j) jwt_file="$OPTARG" ;;
i) ip_address="$OPTARG" ;;
u) username="$OPTARG" ;;
p) password="$OPTARG" ;;
o) output_file="$OPTARG" ;;
s) step="$OPTARG" ;;
\?) echo "Invalid option -$OPTARG" >&2 ;;
# Check if JWT_FILE is not empty and if the file exists
if [ -z "$jwt_file" ]; then
echo "JWT file path is not defined. Please set the JWT_FILE variable."
exit 1
elif [ ! -f "$jwt_file" ]; then
echo "JWT file not found: $jwt_file"
exit 1
echo "JWT file found: $jwt_file"
# Read the Bearer token from the file
# Encode the username and password to base64 for Basic Authorization
basic_auth=$(encode_base64 "$username" "$password")
# Initialize report_save_path if it's empty
# Step 1: Upload JWT to NGINX Instance Manager and Download telemetry report
echo "###################################################################"
echo "# (if not already licensed) Upload JWT and Download the Telemetry report from NGINX Instance Manager #"
echo "###################################################################"
if [ "$step" == "initial" ]; then
# Function to print banner
print_banner() {
echo "===================================="
echo "$1"
echo "===================================="
# Step 1: POST request
print_banner "Executing Step 1: POST request"
post_response=$(curl -k --location "https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/license?telemetry=true" \
--header "Origin: https://$ip_address" \
--header "Referer: https://$ip_address/ui/settings/license" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $basic_auth" \
--data "{
\"metadata\": {
\"name\": \"license\"
\"desiredState\": {
\"content\": \"$bearer_token\"
# Use jq to extract modeOfOperation
modeOfOperation=$(jq -r '.currentStatus.modeOfOperation' <<< "$post_response")
# Output the modeOfOperation
echo "Mode of Operation: $modeOfOperation"
# Parse the modeOfOperation from the response
echo $modeOfOperation
# Step 2: Polling for the license status with conditional logic based on modeOfOperation
while true; do
print_banner "Checking License Status"
response=$(curl -k "https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/license" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Basic $basic_auth" \
-H "referer: https://$ip_address/ui/settings/license" \
fileType=$(jq -r '.currentStatus.state.currentInstance.fileType' <<< "$response")
status=$(jq -r '.currentStatus.state.currentInstance.status' <<< "$response")
telemetry=$(jq -r '.currentStatus.state.currentInstance.telemetry' <<< "$response")
echo $fileType
echo $status
echo $telemetry
if [[ "$modeOfOperation" == "CONNECTED" ]]; then
if [[ "$fileType" == "JWT" && "$status" == "ACTIVATED" && "$telemetry" == "true" ]]; then
echo "Connected mode: Desired response received!"
echo "Connected mode: Waiting for the desired response..."
elif [[ "$modeOfOperation" == "DISCONNECTED" ]]; then
if [[ "$fileType" == "JWT" && "$status" == "INITIALIZE_ACTIVATION_COMPLETE" ]]; then
echo "Disconnected mode: Desired response received!"
echo "Disconnected mode: Waiting for the desired response..."
sleep 5 # Poll every 5 seconds
# Step 3: PUT request
print_banner "Executing Step 2: PUT request"
put_response=$(curl -k --location --request PUT "https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/license?telemetry=true" \
--header "Origin: https://$ip_address" \
--header "Referer: https://$ip_address/ui/settings/license" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $basic_auth" \
--data '{
"desiredState": {
"content": "",
"type": "JWT",
"features": [
{"limit": 0, "name": "NGINX_NAP_DOS", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "IM_INSTANCES", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "TM_INSTANCES", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "DATA_PER_HOUR_GB", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "NGINX_INSTANCES", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "NGINX_NAP", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "SUCCESSFUL_API_CALLS_MILLIONS", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "IC_PODS", "valueType": ""},
{"limit": 0, "name": "IC_K8S_NODES", "valueType": ""}
"metadata": {
"name": "license"
echo "Response from Step 2: PUT request:"
# Step 4: Polling for the desired license status
while true; do
print_banner "Checking License Validation Status"
response=$(curl -s "https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/license" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Basic $basic_auth" \
-H "referer: https://$ip_address/ui/settings/license" \
fileType=$(jq -r '.currentStatus.state.currentInstance.fileType' <<< "$response")
status=$(jq -r '.currentStatus.state.currentInstance.status' <<< "$response")
telemetry=$(jq -r '.currentStatus.state.currentInstance.telemetry' <<< "$response")
if [[ "$modeOfOperation" == "CONNECTED" ]]; then
if [[ "$fileType" == "JWT" && "$status" == "VALID" ]]; then
echo "Connected mode: Desired response received!"
echo "Connected mode: Current license response does not meet conditions. Retrying..."
elif [[ "$modeOfOperation" == "DISCONNECTED" ]]; then
if [[ "$fileType" == "JWT" && "$status" == "CONFIG_REPORT_READY" ]]; then
echo "Disconnected mode: Desired response received!"
echo "Disconnected mode: Current license response does not meet conditions. Retrying..."
sleep 5
# Step 5: Loop to check if licensed
while true; do
print_banner "Checking Licensed Status"
licensed_response=$(curl -s "https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/modules/licensed" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Basic $basic_auth" \
-H "referer: https://$ip_address/ui/settings/license" \
licensed_status=$(jq -r '.licensed' <<< "$licensed_response" )
if [[ "$modeOfOperation" == "CONNECTED" ]]; then
if [[ "$licensed_status" == "true" ]]; then
echo "The system is licensed on connected mode!"
echo "The system is not licensed yet. Retrying..."
elif [[ "$modeOfOperation" == "DISCONNECTED" ]]; then
if [[ "$licensed_status" == "false" ]]; then
echo "Upload JWT success on disconnected mode"
sleep 5
echo "Requests executed successfully."
# Step 2: Download the telemetry report from NGINX Instance Manager #
echo "#################################################"
echo "# Download the telemetry report from NGINX Instance Manager #"
echo "#################################################"
echo "Executing for step: initial"
download_usage_command="curl --insecure --location 'https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/report/download?format=zip&reportType=initial' \
--header 'accept: */*' \
--header 'authorization: Basic $basic_auth' \
--output \"$report_save_path\""
elif [ "$step" == "telemetry" ]; then
echo "Executing for step: telemetry"
prepare_usage_command="curl --insecure --location 'https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/report/download?format=zip&reportType=telemetry&telemetryAction=prepare' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Basic $basic_auth' \
--header 'referer: https://$ip_address/ui/settings/license'"
download_usage_command="curl --insecure --location 'https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/report/download?format=zip&reportType=telemetry&telemetryAction=download' \
--header 'accept: */*' \
--header 'authorization: Basic $basic_auth' \
--output \"$report_save_path\""
if [ "$step" == "telemetry" ]; then
echo "Running telemetry stage: "
# Run the saved command and store the response
response=$(eval $prepare_usage_command)
# Print the response
echo "Response: $response"
sleep 2
# Validate if the response contains "Report generation in progress"
if echo "$response" | grep -q '"telemetry":"Report generation in progress"'; then
echo "Success: Report generation is in progress."
echo "Failure: Report generation not in progress or unexpected response."
exit 1
echo "Running command: $download_usage_command"
eval $download_usage_command
echo "Running command: $download_usage_command"
eval $download_usage_command
# Step 3: Upload the telemetry report to F5's licensing endpoint
echo "############################################################"
echo "# Upload the telemetry report to F5's licensing endpoint #"
echo "############################################################"
echo "Uploading $report_save_path to telemetry endpoint..."
upload_command="curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $bearer_token' \
--form 'file=@\"$report_save_path\"'"
response=$(eval $upload_command)
echo "Response from upload: $response"
# Step 4: Extract the status ID from the response
echo "############################################################"
echo "# Extract status ID from the response#"
echo "############################################################"
status_link=$(jq -r '.statusLink | split("/") | last' <<< "$response")
if [ -z "$status_link" ]; then
echo "Failed to extract status link from response. Please try again."
exit 1
echo "Extracted status link ID: $status_link"
# Step 5: Check the status to ensure the acknowledgement file is ready to download
echo "############################################################"
echo "# Check the status to ensure the acknowledgement file is ready to download #"
echo "############################################################"
# Initialize variables for the loop
# Loop to check the status until percentageComplete and percentageSuccessful are 100 or the max attempts is reached
while [ $attempt -lt $max_attempts ]; do
echo "Checking status for the upload... (Attempt: $((attempt + 1)))"
# Run the curl command to get the status
status_command="curl --location '$status_link' --header 'Authorization: Bearer $bearer_token'"
status_response=$(eval $status_command)
# Extract values from the response
percentage_complete=$(jq -r '.percentageComplete' <<< "$status_response")
percentage_successful=$(jq -r '.percentageSuccessful' <<< "$status_response")
ready_for_download=$(jq -r '.readyForDownload' <<< "$status_response")
echo "Percentage Complete: $percentage_complete"
echo "Percentage Successful: $percentage_successful"
echo "Ready for Download: $ready_for_download"
# Check if the report is ready for download
if [ "$percentage_complete" == "100" ] && [ "$percentage_successful" == "100" ] && [ "$ready_for_download" == "true" ]; then
echo "File is ready for download."
echo "File is not ready for download yet. Sleeping for 2 seconds..."
sleep 2
# Increment the attempt counter
attempt=$((attempt + 1))
# If after 10 attempts it's still not ready, show a message
if [ $attempt -eq $max_attempts ]; then
echo "Reached maximum attempts. The file is not ready for download."
exit 1
# Step 6: Download the acknowledgement file from F5's licensing endpoint
echo "############################################################"
echo "# Download the acknowledgement report from F5's licensing endpoint #"
echo "############################################################"
# Extract downloadLink
download_link=$(jq -r '.downloadLink | split("/") | last' <<< "$status_response")
echo $download_link
# Ensure the report_save_path is not empty
if [ -z "$report_save_path" ]; then
# If the report_save_path is empty, set a default path and filename
echo "Downloading file from telemetry..."
download_command="curl --location '$download_link' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $bearer_token' \
--output '$report_save_path'"
curl --location "$download_link" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $bearer_token" \
--output "$report_save_path"
echo "Downloaded file saved as: $report_save_path"
# Step 7: Upload the acknowledgement report to NGINX Instance Manager
echo "############################################################"
echo "# Upload the acknowledgement report to NGINX Instance Manager #"
echo "############################################################"
curl --insecure --location "https://$ip_address/api/platform/v1/report/upload" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $basic_auth" \
--form "file=@\"$report_save_path\"" \
--silent --output /dev/null
echo "Report acknowledgement successfully uploaded to NGINX Instance Manager $ip_address."
Submit usage report with curl
To submit a usage report using curl
, complete each of the following steps in order.
Run these curl
commands on a system that can access NGINX Instance Manager and connect to
on port 443
. Replace each placeholder with your specific values.
flag skips SSL certificate validation. Use this only if your NGINX Instance Manager is using a self-signed certificate or if the certificate is not trusted by your system.
Prepare the usage report:
curl -k --location 'https://<NIM-FQDN>/api/platform/v1/report/download?format=zip&reportType=telemetry&telemetryAction=prepare' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-credentials>' \ --header 'referer: https://<NIM-FQDN>/ui/settings/license'
Download the usage report from NGINX Instance Manager:
curl -k --location 'https://<NIM-FQDN>/api/platform/v1/report/download?format=zip&reportType=telemetry&telemetryAction=download' \ --header 'accept: */*' \ --header 'authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-credentials>' \ --output
Submit the usage report to F5 for verification:
curl --location '' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /path/to/jwt-file)" \ --form 'file=@"<path-to-report>.zip"'
After running this command, look for the “statusLink” in the response. The
is the last part of the “statusLink” value (the UUID). For example:{"statusLink":"/status/2214e480-3401-43a3-a54c-9dc501a01f83"}
In this example, the
.You’ll need to use your specific
in the following steps. -
Check the status of the usage acknowledgement:
with your specific ID from the previous response.curl --location '<report-id>' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /path/to/jwt-file)"
Download the usage acknowledgement from F5:
curl --location '<report-id>' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /path/to/jwt-file)" \ --output <path-to-acknowledgement>.zip
Upload the usage acknowledgement to NGINX Instance Manager:
curl -k --location 'https://<NIM-FQDN>/api/platform/v1/report/upload' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-credentials>' \ --form 'file=@"<path-to-acknowledgement>.zip"'
Submit usage report with the web interface
Download usage report
Download the usage report to send to F5:
- On the License > Overview page, select Download License Report.
Submit usage report to F5
You need to submit the usage report to F5 and download the acknowledgment over REST. To do do, follow steps 3–5 in the REST tab in this section.
Upload the usage acknowledgement to NGINX Instance Manager
To upload the the usage acknowledgement:
- On the License > Overview page, select Upload Usage Acknowledgement.
- Upload the acknowledgement by selecting Browse or dragging the file into the form.
- Select Add.
What’s reported
NGINX Plus automatically sends usage data to F5 every hour by default. This data is sent as a POST
request and includes details like how much traffic is processed and how long the instance has been running. Here’s an example of the data that’s sent:
"version": "<nginx_version>",
"uuid": "<nginx_uuid>",
"nap": "<active/inactive>", // status of NGINX App Protect
"http": {
"client": {
"received": 0, // bytes received
"sent": 0, // bytes sent
"requests": 0 // number of HTTP requests processed
"upstream": {
"received": 0, // bytes received
"sent": 0 // bytes sent
"stream": {
"client": {
"received": 0, // bytes received
"sent": 0 // bytes sent
"upstream": {
"received": 0, // bytes received
"sent": 0 // bytes sent
"workers": 0, // number of worker processes running
"uptime": 0, // number of seconds the instance has been running
"reloads": 0, // number of times the instance has been reloaded
"start_time": "epoch", // start time of data collection for the report
"end_time": "epoch" // end time of data collection for the report
Error log location and monitoring
Monitor the NGINX error log, typically located at /var/log/nginx/error.log
, for subscription-related issues — such as failed usage reports or approaching license expirations — to catch problems early and keep your subscription compliant.
Examples of subscription-related log entries include:
Failure to upload usage reports:
[error] 36387#36387: server returned 500 for <fqdn>:<port> during usage report [error] 36528#36528: <fqdn>:<port> could not be resolved (host not found) during usage report [error] 36619#36619: connect() failed (111: Connection refused) for <fqdn>:<port> during usage report [error] 38888#88: server returned 401 for <ip_address>:443 during usage report
License approaching expiration:
[warn] license will expire in 14 days
License expiration:
[alert] license expiry; grace period will end in 89 days [emerg] license expired
When a license expires, NGINX Plus stops processing traffic.